Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) plagues kids and families all over the world. Experts determined that ADHD reached a level of crisis based on the number of people the medical community diagnosed with the affliction. Medical doctors diagnosed over 6.4 million school-age (4-17) children in the United States alone. This number registers a 42% increase over the last 12 years. Children that suffer from an ADHD diagnosis typically act before they think, have trouble focusing, and cannot sit still for longer periods of time. Children diagnosed with ADHD struggle with focus, concentration, and learning ability more than other kids their age. ADHD results in lower performance in school and inability to perform mundane tasks in school and at home. Most parents of ADHD children look for solutions wherever in a variety of places. Chiropractic succeeds where other strategies fail.
Research published in 2010 observed a clear connection between a Chiropractic adjustment and brain function. The adjustment led to improved brain and body coordination. Many additional studies corroborate a link between a chiropractic adjustment and improved brain function in children and adults. A chiropractic adjustment helps restore balance to the nervous system. The result allows children and adults of all ages experience more control and calmness while leading better lives with greater ability to learn and perform.
Children with ADHD love to be squeezed, hugged, and massaged. They also like to sleep with heavy blankets or comforters wrapped around them. All of these characteristics influence little neurons within their muscles and spine, triggering a calming effect within the brain. An example of this sensation often takes place on a baseball field. When a baseball player gets hit by a pitch, they usually reach for the place of impact and massage the area. The action stimulates specific neurons in the skin and tissue to help the brain send more pain-relieving nerve signals to the injured area. The same mechanism occurs to calm the brain when little neurons are stimulated throughout the body.
The power of the brain controls all performance. Chiropractic adjustments increase movement within specific misaligned areas of the spine. Releasing interference stimulates the brain to produce hormones that trigger calmness and pain reduction. Chiropractic provides life-changing care for many parents of children with ADHD. Chiropractic delivers results by addressing the cause of the issue while medicines and drugs simply numb the outward symptoms of the diagnosis without ever fixing the source of the problem.
The science and research behind a Chiropractic adjustment’s ability to improve brain function continues to take shape through studies and undeniable data. Brain enhancement and hormone function await both those who suffer from ADHD and those simply wanting to unlock their cognitive ability. Children and adults deserve the best opportunity to live a life free from drugs and symptom treating medications. Chiropractic care delivers results that are proven by science and driven by the magnificent power of the brain and nervous system.